Sliding Door Track Repair

A close up of leaves on the ground next to train tracks.

Sliding door track repair vs sliding door track replacement. After years of use it's just natural for your sliding glass door track it to become worn down or slightly damaged. Worn out rollers, dirt and debris all take their toll on the patio door over time.

Regular maintenance (cleaning the tracks or replacing the rollers) can prolong the life of your sliding door by decades. A 40-year-old sliding glass door can be restored to line-new condition. The key is to not let your sliding door track get damaged beyond repair. In most cases, damaged patio door tracks can be repaired, quickly and easily. Don't wait until it's too late. Call A1 On Track Sliding Door Repair today!

Stainless Steel Track Cap

A blurry image of the side of a train.

Most sliding door track damage can be repaired with a stainless steel track cap. This cap is placed over the damaged sliding glass door bead and provides the new rollers with a smooth surface to roll on. A smooth rolling surface will prolong the life of the new sliding door rollers.

We also refer to the track cap as a track saver. We call it a track saver because if you install the cap when you install new rollers it will save the track from ever being damaged. As a side note, no sliding door roller repair is complete without installing the stainless track saver. Save big bucks in the long run. Get it done right the first time.

Patio Door Track With Divots

A close up of the side of a building

This sliding glass door track was damaged by dragging the rolling panel of the sliding door back and forth across the track while not adjusted properly. Note the oil and grease on the track. Applying grease is not the answer.

Sliding doors don’t actually slide - they roll. Luckily, this customer called before the track was damaged beyond repair, and it did not need to be replaced. We can cover a damaged track with a stainless steel “track cap,” making the track surface better than new. Stop fighting it and start sliding it!

Damaged Sliding Door Track Bead

A close up of the bottom of a metal door

The bead of this sliding door track was damaged due to prolonged use of worn-out rollers. There is no track available for this sliding door. We can repair the track with a STAGE 2 STAINLESS STEEL BEAD replacement. Most repairs are completed in a single visit.

Wrong Rollers Installed

A close up of the bottom of a door.

This is why it's important to install the correct rollers in a sliding glass door.
These sliding door rollers were not the correct size, resulting in the rollers cutting two grooves, one on each side of the sliding door runner. This patio door track is not repairable and will require a complete bottom track replacement. Call a professional - call A1 On Track Sliding Door Repair.

Vinyl Door Track Repair

A close up of the window sill and door

The white vinyl, plastic, sliding door track pictured on left is being replaced by an all metal extruded aluminum track insert seen on the right. Vinyl door tracks are often damaged or destroyed by the weight of the sliding glass door rolling panel. Also note the new aluminum track is protected by a stainless steel track saver. Let us install the track saver on any glass door roller placement and we will double your warranty.